Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 3

Date: 2/10/2011

My Thoughts For The Day:
Day 3 went well. Well except for the indulgence of Applebee’s for lunch. It is okay, you have to live too! Over it now. I was really hoping for a 3 pound weight loss this week. I am coming to the realization that probably will not be happening. I need to not only stick with my diet BUT I also need to have a work out plan. Working out is the BIGGEST issue with me. It is hard for me to think about working out during my Jude time! I need to get over that. Maybe my goal for working out can be just working out for a couple times a week for 30 minutes that might help me not feel so sad and guilty. Something to work on and think about for sure.

Food Log:
Breakfast –
Slim Fast drink

Snacks –
50 calorie fruit strip
100 calorie granola bar

Lunch –
CHEATER!!! LOL Blew it!
Applebee’s Lunch – appetizer = cheese sticks, lunch = half ceaser salad and half a Mexi wrap , dessert = yummy cookie and ice cream! Told you – blew it!! LOL Oh well.

Snacks –

Dinner –
Raisin Bran cereal with skim milk

Snacks –
20 Junior Mints

Weight Update:
Same – down 1 pound! Oy! I really wanted to be down 3 this week. Not looking so great. Not sure if I will be able to get in a work out tonight either. We will see.

Thoughts On Goal: Again, it is a lofty goal but something I want to reach! Trying to stay positive!!

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